Aguiló, I.; Suñer, J.; Torrens, J.. , "A characterization of residual implications derived from uninorms", Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Logic. Proceedings. F. República Checa, 2009. Artículo.
Mas, M.; Monserrat, M.; Torrens, J.. , "On smooth discrete t-subnorms", Proceedings of the Congress AGOP-2009. España, 2009. Artículo.
González, M.; Mayor, G.; Suñer, J.; Torrens, J. (editors). , "Proceedings of the Fifth International Summer School on Aggregation Operators", Proceedings of the Fifth International Summer School on Aggregation Operators. España, 2009. Editor.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Mir Torres, A.; Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens Sastre, J.. , "Image Analysis Applications of Morphological Operators based on Uninorms", Proceedings of the Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (IFSA-EUSFLAT 2009). Portugal, 2009. Artículo.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Mir Torres, A.; Torrens Sastre, J.. , "Noisy Image Edge Detection Using an Uninorm Fuzzy Morphological Gradient", Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, International Conference on (ISDA'09). Estados Unidos De América, 2009. Capítulo de libro.
Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Fuzzy Implications and the weak law of importation" [Publicació online], Proc. of the Joint 2009 International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress and 2009 European Society of Fuzzy Logic and Technology Conference (IFSA-EUSFLAT). Portugal, 2009. Acta de congreso.
Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "WLI for Implications derived from uninorms", Preference Modelling and Decision Analysis. España, 2009. Acta de congreso.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Mir, A.. , "Noise Reduction Using Alternate Filters Generated by Fuzzy Mathematical Operators Using Uninorms (PhiMM-U Morphology)", EUROFUSE WORKSHOP 09. PREFERENCE MODELLING AND DECISION ANALYSIS. España, 2009. Capítulo de libro.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Mir, A.; Ruiz Aguilera, D.. , "A robust edge detection algorithm based on a fuzzy mathematical morphology using uninorms (PhiMM-U Morphology)", Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing. Vipimage 2009.. Portugal, 2009. Capítulo de libro.