Aguiló, I.; Suñer, J.; Torrens, J.. , "A new look on discrete quasi-copulas", New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies. República Checa, 2007. Artículo.
González, M.; Ruiz, D.; Torrens, J.. , "Fuzzy Morphology based on uninorms: Image edge-detection opening and closening.", Proceedings of the 2007 Computation Vision and Medical Image Processing (VIPIMAGE 2007). Portugal, 2007. Capítulo de libro.
M. Mas, M. Monserrat, J. Torrens. , "MP and MT-implications on a finite scale.", Proceedings of the Congress EUSFLAT-2007. República Checa, 2007. Artículo.
Ruiz-Aguilera, D.; Torrens, J.. , "Residual implications from uninorms continuous in ]0,1[^2", Proceedings of AGOP'2007. Bélgica, 2007. Artículo.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Mir, A.; Nicolau, G.. , "An evolution model of B-splines parametric surface.", Proceedings of the 2007 European Simulation and Modelling Conference.. Malta, 2007. Capítulo de libro.
Aguiló, I.; Ballester, M.A.; Calvo, T.; Garcia-Lapresta, J.L.; Mayor, G.; Suñer, J.. , "Multidimensional OWA Operators in Group Decision Making", Artificial Intelligence Research and Development. Países Bajos, 2007. Capítulo de libro.
Aguiló, I.; M.A. Ballester, J.L. GArcia-LApresta, G. Mayor, Suñer, J.;. , "Monotonic EOWA operators in sequential group decision making", Proceddings of the Fourth International Summer Shool on Aggregation Operators. AGOP. Bélgica, 2007. Artículo.