Otros enlaces Web
- EUSFLAT - European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology
- Red LODISCO - Lógica Difusa y Soft Computing
- IdISBa - Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Illes Balears
- EUSFLAT Working Group on Aggregation Operators
- EUSFLAT Working Group on Soft Computing in Image Processing
- EUROFUSE - Euro Working Group on Fuzzy Sets
- IFSA - International Fuzzy Systems Association
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- G.I. en Inteligencia Artificial y Razonamiento Aproximado (UPNA)
- G.I. Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (UGR)
- G.I. Sistemas Inteligentes basados en Análisis de Decisión Difuso (UJA)
- DECMAK - Decision Making Laboratory